Continuation of the CODASI project – Contemporary Dance for Sustainability and Inclusion. The second meeting, this time in Palermo, with our partners from Belgium, Italy, France, and Serbia. During this intensive week full of new experiences, each partner had the opportunity to conduct workshops focusing on their methodology, centered on sustainability and inclusion. We had the pleasure of participating in this extremely inspiring exchange of good practices and choreographic research among partners.

On the first day, workshops were led by Giovani Zappulla from the organization L’ESPACE / Zappulla DMN Company in Palermo, presenting his Danza Movimento Naturale technique based on the Qi Gong method.

On the second day, Karine Ponties from the organization Dame de Pic in Brussels proposed a set of self-massage and rhythmic exercises to better understand the idea of sustainability.

On the third day, our collective HOTELOKO movement makers (Agata Życzkowska, Karina Szutko, Maciej Feliga, and additionaly Katarzyna Powalska) had the chance to present. We conducted trust-building workshops in a democratic formula, establishing strong bonds through exercises related to sustainability, marking the beginning of forming a new community.

The fourth day of workshops belonged to La Galerie Chorégraphique from Carcassonne. Together with Thierry Gourmelen, we searched for solutions to needs, which were then expressed in a CODASI common report from all countries.

On the last day, Ivan Lokic from the organization OSSA, from Belgrade and invited by the association KULTURANOVA from Novi Sad, conducted workshops on the Alexander method, enabling the recovery of internal body and spirit freedom.